
中美正式建交45周年以来,两国关系充满活力,合作与竞争并行 。耶鲁中美峰会旨在深入探讨中美关系的发展轨迹,明确双边合作的前景、挑战和机遇,激励新一代青年学子在塑造不断演变的中美关系模式中发挥积极作用,并承担起开创未来的责任。
2024年4月6日,第十届耶鲁中美峰会将在主会场耶鲁大学Science Building和国内分会场耶鲁北京中心举行。本次峰会将以“行稳致远,合作共赢 Forge a Shared Future”为主题,汇集数十位学界、政界、业界精英,就商业金融、创业风投、医疗健康、国际事务、教育、AI伦理、电影与全球化、科技创新、国际投资、可持续发展等话题设立十大分论坛。其中后三个分论坛在北京中心分会场进行。
惠若琪, Rio Olympic Games Women's Volleyball Gold Medalist, the fifteenth captain of the Chinese women's national volleyball team
James J. Heckman, Henry Schultz Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, Nobel Prize winner in economics
窦德景, Partner and Vice President, and the Chief Data Scientist at BCG in Greater China
王宏伟, Vice President and Professor at School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University
张金华, Chairman and CEO of IASO Biotechnology
Scott Strobel, Yale University Provost, Henry Ford II Professor of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry (MB&B)
Jeffrey Brock, Dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science, Zhao and Ji Professor of Mathematics
Yougen Yu, Education Counselor, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York
Anna Marie Pyle, Chair of Yale Science Building Committee, Sterling Professor in the Departments of MCDB and Chemistry
Siddharth Chatterjee, United Nations Resident Coordinator in China
施一公, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Foreign Associate of the United States National Academy of Sciences, Honorary Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Founding President of Westlake University
Natalee Pei, Head of Asia Research, Bridgewater Associates
王石(Beijing), Founder and Honorary Chairman, China Vanke Co., Ltd.
Panel 1:商业金融 Business
Panel 2:创业风投 Innovation and Venture
Panel 3:医疗健康 Healthcare
Panel 4:国际事务 International Affairs
Panel 5:AI伦理 AI Ethics and Rules
Panel 6:教育 Education
Panel 7:电影与全球化 Cinema and Globalization
晚宴 Exclusive Event
2023 Yale US-China Distinguished Colloquium
Chance, Challenge, Chime
近四十位重量级别嘉宾齐聚全球投资、医疗健康、科技前沿和国际关系四大圆桌论坛。耶鲁大学中美峰会诚邀您来参加,与各界领袖精英们在纽约Yale Club开启精彩中美交流之夜。关注新的一年世界面临的机遇与挑战,在调和之路上寻求两国和平共处、互利共赢。
Welcome Speech:
Peter Salovey,耶鲁大学校长兼Chris Argyris心理学教授,Yale ’83 M.S.; Yale ’84 M.Phil.; Yale ’86 PhD
Fireside Talk:
Winston Lord, Former US Ambassador to China, Chairman Emeritus of International Rescue Committee,Yale College Class 1959
Robert .D Hormats, Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc
Keynote Speeches:
Jim Rogers, Co-founder of the Quantum Fund, Yale '64
Kenneth R. Chien, Co-Founder, Moderna
Alan Patricof, Chairperson & Co-Founder of PrimeTime Partners;Chairman Emeritus & Co-Founder of Greycroft
Henry Tang 鄧兆祥, Managing Partner Carnegie Towers Strategic Investment Advisory
黄征宇, President of Committee of 100
Panel 1:全球投资 Global Investment
Panel 2:医疗健康 Healthcare
Panel 3:国际关系 International Relations
Panel 4:科技前沿 Innovations
酒会 Cocktail Party, Invite Only
2022 Yale US-China Distinguished Colloquium
Revive, Rethink, Relaunch
开幕致辞1:Siddharth Chatterjee常启德,联合国驻华协调员(纽黑文会场)
开幕致辞2:Pericles Lewis,耶鲁大学副校长,Douglas Tracy Smith 名誉讲座教授(北京会场)
主旨演讲1:Edward Snyder,William S. Beinecke 名誉讲座教授,耶鲁大学管理学院前任院长(纽黑文会场)
主旨演讲2:Jim Rogers,耶鲁大学’64届校友,量子基金联合创始人(北京会场)
闭幕致辞:Lynn Cooley,C.N.H. Long Professor of Genetics,Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
2020 Yale US China Forum
New Opportunities for US-China Cooperation
今年的耶鲁中美论坛拟于2020年8月16日在北京会议中心举办 - 因为疫情被迫取消
金融论坛 Finance Panel 经济论坛 Economics Panel 文化艺术论坛 Music and Art Panel 公共卫生论坛 Healthcare Panel
2019年正值中美建交40 周年,在当代中国迅速崛起的同时,中美两国 之间的局部摩擦也频频发生。从中兴通讯在美受到制裁、中国拒绝批准高通 恩智浦收购案,到两国轮番相互施加关税,再到美国通过加拿大逮捕并尝试 引渡华为高管孟晚舟,中美贸易战至今仍在持续。两国之间的竞争和冲突, 给中美乃至世界局势都带来了不确定性。在此时刻,求同存异,展望中美政 治、经济和文化的未来走向,发掘和把握未来潜在机遇,显得尤为重要。
凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究型大学的丰富资源,依托耶鲁与中国绵延 两个世纪的深厚友谊,本届耶鲁中美论坛以“展望中美新篇章”为主题,邀 请思想领袖们就互联网科技、商业金融、医疗创新和文化教育四大话题,展 开建设性的对话。秉承耶鲁培养全球领袖的愿景,我们希望激励新一代青年 学子在建立中美新型大国关系中发挥积极作用,肩负起引领未来的使命。
视频致辞: Marvin Chun,耶鲁大学本科学院院长
主题: 跨文化背景下的传承与创造力
2018 Yale US China Forum
The China Accelerator for World Development
作为世界第二大经济体,中国经济持续、稳 定、快速的增长已经成为世界经济增长的 主要推动力量。据世界银行测算,2012年 至2016年,中国对世界经济增长的贡献率 为34%,超过美、欧、日贡献之和。2017 年,中国GDP增速达6.9%,中国持续为 全球经济增长提供向好预期和健康动力。
同时,中国是全球电子商务、电子零售和电 子支付领域的领先者,在金融科技、机器人 等方面也走在了前列。当前,处于结构调整 中的中国经济正在实现从投资到消费、从制 造到创造、从规模增长到质量提升的再平 衡,其经济增长质量可能再次让世界惊喜。
凭借耶鲁大学作为全球性研究性大学的丰富 资源、与中国绵延两个世纪的深厚友谊, 在耶鲁管理学院以及其他各学院顶尖的学者 和卓越的校友支持下,本次论坛将就中国 城市化、教育资本、金融科技与医疗创新、 公益与社会责任、文化娱乐等热点话题展开 讨论。深入探讨如何把握转型和发展的新机 遇,如何为中美创造更多的商业机会,以及 如何实现中国经济社会与文化的协同发展。
我们期望以论坛作为支点,帮助世界解析全 新时代下中国机遇的意涵。同时,以理性 思辨的内省与展望,助力中国在产业升级、 技术创新与文化创作等领域的加速前进。
As the second largest economy, China has become a major boost for the world’s economy by maintaining a speedy but steady growth domestically. In the meantime, China is experiencing a structural reform, striving to transition from foreign direct investment to domestic consumption. This goal has enabled China to pioneer in industries, such as e-commerce, digital payment, robotics, etc. These developments will help maintain China’s position as an accelerator for global economy.
The forum will explore China’s recent emphasis on connectivity with other countries through the “shared growth through collaboration” concept by discussing key topics detailed in the proposed agenda. These discussions will help participants understand the new era of China’s structural reform and explore cooperative opportunities between U.S. and China.
We plan to leverage Yale University’s rich resources as a global research institute, its strong and deep ties with Chi- na over the past two centuries, and its extensive network of reputable alumni. With such support, we are confident to host an effective and meaningful forum to nurture reflection and insights that can help China accelerate its advancements and achieve coordinated developments across its economy, society, and culture.
Keynote Speakers:
Raymond Chang, Managing Director, NXT Venture Fund
Chen Xu, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bank of China U.S.A
Pericles Lewis, Vice President for Global Strategy and Deputy Provost for International Affairs, Yale
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Senior Associate Dean, Yale School of Management
Victor Wang, Co-Founder, Zhen Fund
医疗: 创新实践与传统重铸
城市化: 城市的重塑与新生
财富管理: 中国家族基金前景展望
Health: Practical innovation while maintaining tradition
Urbanization: Urban Remodeling and Revitalization
Wealth Management: Future Prospect of China’s Family Funds
PE&VC: Capital Flow and Change in Education
Macroeconomy: Foreign Ventures and SOE Reform Tech &
Internet: Creating the China Business Models
Culture & Recreation: Creating Content with Ingenuity
Impact Investment: The Social Responsibility of Capital
Law: Understanding the Tech World of China Through a Legal Lens
Lunch Talks
Startups: Sustaining Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Industry: Exceling and Upgrading Traditional Industries
Blockchain: Integrating Real Economy with Fictitious Economy
2016 Yale US China Forum
Environment and Health
Building on the US-China joint presidential statement on climate change in November 2014, China took on a leadership role in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement with a roadmap to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, cap coal use by 2020 and reach a target of 20 percent non-fossil fuels in its overall energy mix. As the world’s largest carbon emitter, China is at full speed searching for decarbonization opportunities and ramping up policies to boost renewable energy production. However, these commitments and policies present significant institutional, economic and technical challenges for China to accelerate its renewable energy deployment. The Yale US-China Renewable Energy Forum will focus on the short and long term opportunities in China’s renewable energy sector driven by China’s COP21 pledge of upgrading to a cleaner energy portfolio. We aim to convene different stakeholders, including policymakers, entrepreneurs, and academics, to address the challenges in shifting China’s energy system towards low-carbon development.
Panel 1:COP21 and China’s Renewable Energy Policy
Panel 2:Chinese Renewable Energy Market Landscape
Panel 3:Renewable Energy Technology and Development
The healthcare industry in China faces a complicated environment. The healthcare demands of 1.3 billion people are too diverse for the public sector to handle alone. Recent healthcare reforms have promoted a more integrated healthcare network, comprehensive insurance coverage and technological innovations, through measures such as precision medicine and triage treatment. On one hand, infrastructure development and technological innovation will create opportunities for entrepreneurship and private capital in areas such as private hospital, biotechnology and e-health. On the other hand, the constrained capacity and inefficiency of public healthcare facilities, as well as headwinds in pricing mechanism are threatening many existing players in the industry. How could public and private sectors cooperate to establish a basic, universal health system that provides safe, effective, convenient, and affordable health services? The 2016 Yale China Forum will bring together government officials, corporate leaders, veteran investors and Yale professors to discuss the opportunities and challenges of China’s healthcare reform.
Panel 1:Policy: How to build an affordable and effective healthcare ecosystem in China
Panel 2:Innovation: How will China embrace Precision medicine
Panel 3:Investment: China-US cross-border opportunities in the healthcare sector
Keynote Speakers:
Barbara Finamore, Senior Attorney and Asia Director, China Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
Richard P. Lifton, MD, PhD, Sterling Professor of Genetics and Professor of Medicine, Chair, Department of Genetics, Yale University
Steven Davis, Earth System Science, UC Irvine; Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science; Co-founder, Near Zero
Jonathan Rothberg, PhD, Ajunct Professor of Genetics, Yale school of medicine, member of the National Academy of Engineering, recipient of 2015 National Medal of Technology and Innovation
2015 Yale US China Forum
Bilateral Relations In The New Era
The past few years witnessed unprecedented advancement of the level of cooperation between the two "Major Powers". In APEC China 2014, America and China jointly announced several key initiatives setting up examples for collaborations to come. On one hand, it's the first time that a large developing country has agreed to limit its greenhouse gas emissions and that a new type of agreement called “pledge and review” is adopted;the two nations have agreed to share information on anti-corruption to hold criminals accountable; the consensus on global health
epidemics prevention, etc.
On the other hand, however,the bilateral relationship has also been marked by growing tensions: With Washington’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) confronting Beijing’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP),China and the U.S. are engaged in unspoken economic competition. In addition, the U.S. worries about an increasingly assertive China, while China suspects that U.S. pursues encirclement and
containment.How will the relationsbetween this two "Major Powers" evolve and what are the opportunities we should seize? We hope this forum can shed light on these questions and point to practical solutions.
Welcome address:
Edward A. Snyder, Dean, Yale School of Management; William S. Beinecke Professor of Economics and Management
Opening speech:
Stephen Roach, Lecturer, Yale SOM; Former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and Chief Economist at Morgan Stanley
-- “Dynamics in U.S.-China relations--Reflections on Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)”
Keynote Speeches:
Daniel C. Esty, Director, Center for Environmental Law and Policy; Director, Center for Business & Environment at Yale
-- “Can New Environmental Protection Law Save China’s Environment?”
Shaohua Ding, Senior Vice President, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
-- “The obstacles in oversea expansion faced by Chinese giant firms”
Closing Remarks:Richard Foster, Managing Partner, Millbrook Management Group LLC; Director (emeritus), senior partner, McKinsey & Comp
Panel 1:China’s political and economic reforms for the ‘New Normal’
Panel 2:Managing pollution-induced health problems under bilateral cooperation
Panel 3:U.S. - China mutual investments and expansion
Panel 4:Landscape of entrepreneurship in the U.S. and China
2012 Yale US China Forum
From Win-Win to Mutual Trust
How would China and other nations find ways to build enduring
mutual trust? A variety of topics including what is going to happen between the U.S. and China, short history of
U.S. - China relations and three big questions for the future, and trust and distrust in relations between the U.S and
China was discussed. Additionally, selected teams from Peking, Tsinghua, Harvard and Yale participated in the
‘Cross Pacific Perceptions’ debate competition and debated over existing controversial issues between the U.S
government and Chinese government.
Featured Keynote Speakers: Jeffrey Garten, Stephen Roach, Chen Xi, Paul Gewirtz, Fan Gang, Li Bo, Chen Zhiwu
2011 Yale US China Forum
Identifying Common Interest
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the first annual conference of the US-China Forum at Yale: “Identifying Common Interests.”
The US-China Forum was founded to facilitate cooperation between the U.S. and China. As China’s growing power draws more and more attention from U.S. government officials and business leaders, it is becoming clear that a go-it-alone approach on the part of either country could have a devastating effect on the other, and on the entire world.
It is crucial, therefore, that the U.S. and China find ways to cooperate. This year’s conference focuses on identifying the U.S. and China’s shared common interests. Conference speakers and attendees will include policy experts, business people, academics, and students. But it is students, we believe, who are best positioned to take the lead in connecting these two great nations—in particular, Chinese students in the U.S. By engaging in dialogue with members of government, business, academia, and other spheres, we hope to bring our unique youth perspective to bear on these seemingly intractable problems, and play a role in solving them.
Opening Remarks: U.S.-China Relations: Partnership or Crisis?
William H. Overholt (Ph.D ‘72), Senior Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Keynote: A Balanced Perspective on China’s Future Path
Zhiwu Chen, Professor of Finance, Yale School of Management
Panel I: Monetary Policy and International Trade in the Economic Recession
Panel II: State Involvement in the Market: Enterprise, Policy, and Economic Performance
Keynote: Private Life in a Globalized China
Deborah S. Davis, Professor of Sociology, Yale University
Panel III: Green cities: Concept, Challenge, and New Direction
Panel IV: Drivers of Sustainable Development: Culture, Ethics, and Policy
Keynote: The Three E’s: the Intersection of Energy, Environment, and the Economy
Daniel C. Esty, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
Keynote: The Transformations in China and Their Impact on Talent Development
Huiyao Wang, Director General, Center for China and Globalization; Vice Chairman, China Overseas Returned Scholars Association; Visiting Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
Panel V: Youth Development: Policy, Entrepreneurship, and Education
Keynote: The Two-engine Strategy for China’s Development and Opening-up
Peijun Duan, Professor of Philosophy and Strategy, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C.
Panel VI: The Next Five Years: Competition or Collaboration?
Closing Remarks:
Joshua Cooper Ramo , Managing Director of Kissinger Associates, Author of Beijing Consensus and The Age of Unthinkable